Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baptism, Picnic, Friends, and Family

Church members gathered around in a huge pool to celebrate with the newly baptized members.
Grace Community Church celebrated Palm Sunday with a blast. Everyone gathered together in one service. Church was packed. Sermon was awesome. Thanks to our head teaching Pastor Darryl DelHousaye who never fails to give us meaningful and inspiring messages. The service was followed by the baptism of children and adult members who desired to profess to the public their faith to Jesus Christ. The church rejoiced as more and more people dedicate their life to the Most High.

Cotton candy, snow cones, and popcorn stations.

Long queue for food. It's so worth the wait!
Picnic was next! Tents, tables, chairs, and bouncy houses were put up outside the worship center. Of course it wouldn't be complete without food. There were cotton candy, snow cones, and popcorn station not only for the little ones but also for those who still consider themselves "little ones" (I'm one of them :) ). I was amazed of how much food the church prepared and served. I thought there would only be hotdogs and burgers. I was so surprised to see several kinds of side dishes, salads and desserts (including ice cream!). Everything I had in my plate were so good—I emptied it. Food was absolutely awesome. I salute the people who took their time to prepare and share their delectable recipes to the church. Also, my sincerest appreciation to all volunteers who made sure not one person gets hungry.

Our good friends, the Holowinski's. It's always great to bring a big blanket for the picnic. :)
Children were playing and running all over the field, some were enjoying the bouncy house, others couldn't get enough of their sweet treats. Blankets were laid on the ground as family and friends chit-chatted and shared their meal together. I got the privilege to talk to a new member of the church who was sitting and eating with us in the table along with her "new" friend who is a regular member of the church. We had a great conversation. A great company.

I am so grateful how our church celebrated Palm Sunday this year. This wasn't done last year. Thanks to our current head Pastor Josh Sherrard and to the church elders for such a wonderful idea. This kind of gathering gives us the opportunity to mingle with church members as one big family. I hope we will do this again next year. We love it!!!

My daughter Evie patiently waiting for her cotton candy.
Enjoying the sumptuous food, nice weather, great company.

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