Thoughts For Our First Wedding Anniversary

I can't believe our first wedding anniversary is just two days away (October 4). It's funny to think of how big the change has been within a year. The major one is of course having our baby. I used to tell hubby and friends of how productive we've been since we got married because our daughter came before we celebrate our first year together as husband and wife. People would laugh at my joke. It may be funny, but true. We actually didn't plan to have a baby too soon after marriage. We wanted to spend time together, just the two of us. However, the "no baby" thing for a year was not a "determined" plan at all. Or else we would be extra careful of birth control. Perhaps, it was more of a "come-what-may" or "whatever" mindset. It was not exclusive. I tell you, with the baby around, my life being alone at home for months has changed. Just the sight of this beautiful, cute, little being fills my heart with love and joy; a precious part of me whom I am so crazy about.

Hubby and I have our ups and downs. Like any other normal married couples, we have our moments of misunderstandings. We experienced the feelings of being rejected, unloved, not respected or supported, insecure, unappreciated, unwanted, frustrated, disappointed. But all of this feelings came into being without intention from any of us.

In this marriage, my husband is the peacemaker. In all of the conflicts we have had, I think I only raised the "white flag" once or twice. Perhaps, not even twice. Hubby was always the first one to offer peace in times of cold wars. He was always the first one to break down the walls that blocked our hearts and souls to gain access to each other. His humility is one of the characters I admired about him. It's something I am so scarce of specially when I'm hurt. Hubby is the opposite. He is abundant of it. The question of who is mature enough and not in the relationship is quite the obvious. Not the wife.

Our misunderstandings were resolved with tears of love, acceptance, and understanding. We both are very emotional human beings. Seems like, our deepest emotions are not completely expressed without the intervention of tears. Tears have become the symbol of the purity of our inmost feelings for each other. How grateful I am that God created tears, or else, I do not know how the emotional moments with my husband would look and feel like. Most probably, dead than cold.

There were times it dawned on me on how I did not express enough of my appreciation for his care and loving thoughts for me. My husband's sweetness and romantic side hasn't change that much since the day we committed ourselves to become lovers. He still gives me pretty flowers whether there's a special occasion or not. It may not be as surprising as when we were still not married and lived thousands of miles apart, but the sight and touch of the nature's harvest he picked for me have never stopped to delight my (sometimes weary) heart. He still writes me love letters of which he used to do faithfully when I was still his girlfriend. Until now, his letters continue to melt my heart. In fact, my eyes well up (most of the time) while reading his letters.

I have not experienced how caring and thoughtful a man he is until the day I lived with him under the same roof. Sometimes, he amazed me of buying something I needed without telling nor giving him a hint that I need it. And sometimes, he brought some things at home that I didn't need which he thought I might have wanted. Within a year of being together physically, he has learned to read my mind.

We discovered that there are things we like doing together. We both like watching cooking shows. We both like watching 24. We both enjoy listening to the music of Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, The Beatles, Queen, and many more. The other pastime we're crazy about doing together is answering crossword puzzles. I called hubby the "crossword puzzle whiz" because he is just so good at it. Not because he is American and English is his first language, but because, he knows a lot of things. He is a trivia guy. He is a wide-reader with sharp memory. He is smart.

There were nights we played scrabbble, boggle, dominoes, and yahtzee. He does not like losing a game. Me either. So, sometimes one got upset when defeated. It's actually an amusing scene. Lately, we stopped doing this. We were just too pre-occupied of other things at night.

I still have a lot of things in my mind that I want to talk about us. But going back to the anniversary celebration, we didn't really plan anything special. Maybe we can at least eat outside home. There is this restaurant I liked which we went to on Valentine's day for breakfast. I told him that the diner is exclusive for special occasions. It's not a fancy restaurant. I just like their food. I was pregnant and struggling the bouts of morning sickness when we went there, and I was impressed I was able to swallow their food without throwing up. So, that place became special to me since then.

I look forward to celebrating with my wonderful, amazing husband our first wedding anniversary on Sunday. It should be beautiful and memorable.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Such sweet thoughts. Congratulations on your first year together. I could relate very well to your write-up. I enjoyed more my husband & I's relationship after we got married. Everyday, there is always something to look forward to. Like you guys, we love each other deep in the heart. But oh yes, we do have crazy fights, lol! Nevertheless, no matter what we still stick to each other like leeches, LOL. Keep it up Riz!