Just Turned 36

Just celebrated my second birthday with my husband, and my first with our daughter. Hubby did things that make my day special. He surprised me with birthday cards, one from him, and one from Evie. He always write me long letters even in cards—something I so appreciate from him. I burst into laughter when I found out that he forged our daughter's "signature" on her card (which actually are just scribbles since she can't write yet). I think it was so funny. Also, he surprised me by purchasing the full version of the Feeding Frenzy video game in X-Box. Maybe because one time I was complaining because I wanted to play more but I couldn't because it's only a trial version. So sweet of him to give that gift. :)

Mom gave me a beautiful gold necklace. Now, I am wearing it everyday because the necklace my husband gave me (his first gift to me) was broken. Just the right timing for replacement.

We had our stomach filled in a Thai restaurant. I love what I got, but he didn't care for his'. Like what I wished for my birthday, he took me to the salon for a haircut after our lunch. I decided to get a short haircut for a change. The last time I got my hair cut short was when I was in college. More than a decade ago. Massage was our next trip, but the massage place is only open during the weekends of which I had with a friend. We ended the day with karaoke. I love doing karaoke once in a while. Reminds me of my home country—everyone likes to sing!

Sunday, I celebrated it with family members at my in-laws' place. Mom cooked pot roast and made strawberry cheesecake. So nice of her to do it for my birthday. Marcus (Evie's cousin) and my daughter were playing and chasing each other. Now that Evie can walk, I think chasing would be the game that she and her cousin will play everytime they're around with each other. Just hope that they will not break anything in their grandparents' place or else their Nanny would not be happy. :)

Just turned 36, but feels like 20. :D I couldn't thank God enough for all these years that He gifted me. He's so generous for breathing in me the breath of life everyday. I so look forward to celebrate more birthdays with my family. Nothing else compares to their presence, smiles, and love.
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