VBS Volunteering: A Rewarding, Fun Experience
I am the most proud for my husband. His efforts in leading some of the games were a big contribution to the success of the Recreation team. Explaining the mechanics of the game for every group of kids that came was no joke. Much more, showing them how to do it. My husband did it all. He's awesome!
I am quite grateful that we volunteered for this event. It helped a lot in our social interaction, and most of all our companionship as a couple. Next year would be another great VBS adventure!
Picking up kids assigned in the gym.
1st & 2nd Day: Relay Game
Explaining to kids how the relay game is played.
The bees and honey: My husband surrounded by kids to claim their stickers :)
At the second day of VBS, we decided to drop by at a 99¢ store to get stickers that we can give to the children. It helped their motivation to play and win.
At the second day of VBS, we decided to drop by at a 99¢ store to get stickers that we can give to the children. It helped their motivation to play and win.
3rd & 4th Day: Hot Lava
On the 3rd and 4th day of VBS, we decided to handle the game outside. We picked the "Hot Lava" game. My husband and I liked this game better than what we did in the gym. Even if baked under the heat of the sun, kids were very participative specially when it's their turn to be lava monsters. It's amusing to hear them R-O-A-R!
5th Day: Water Day!
My favorite day of all! A cool splash of water is so relieving under 90-100° of heat. Besides, we can get anyone wet inside the play area using a bucket, water toy guns, or noodle sticks. Chasing and pouring water onto kids was FUN!
My favorite day of all! A cool splash of water is so relieving under 90-100° of heat. Besides, we can get anyone wet inside the play area using a bucket, water toy guns, or noodle sticks. Chasing and pouring water onto kids was FUN!
Need a bath? Gotcha!
The slide made me feel of being a child again. Ryan and I were able to go sliding several times. My favorite during the wet day.
Wet, chaotic, but FUN!
Everyone's having a good time no matter what age they're in. Feels great to be a kid again even just for an hour or two.