Mouth-watering Leche Flan

So, I woke up early today to make "leche" flan. Leche flan is a popular Filipino dessert made of eggs and milk, drenched in caramel sauce. I was inspired to make the dessert after I visited my Filipino friend last week. She made yummy leche flan and was motivated to do some for my husband.

Actually, it's very easy to make. All you need are:

1 can condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk
6 pcs egg yolks
aluminum bakeware pan/molds
steamer (make sure that the pan/mold you will use fits on the steamer)
aluminum foils

Preparation instructions:

1. Make the caramel sauce using white sugar and butter (optional). Here's a great video of Chef Gordon Ramsay on How to Make a Caramel.

2. Preheat oven to 350°. Put steamer in the oven.

3. Mix thoroughly the milk and eggs. Pour the caramel sauce in the pan/mold. Slowly pour in the mixture on top of the caramel sauce. Cover the pan with aluminum foil.

4. Bake up to 1 hour, or until the flan is cooked.

5. Let it cool down. Use a big plate or tray to flip over the flan. To do this, put the plate/tray on top of the pan, then turn upside down—exposing the luscious caramel sauce.

Bon appetit!

Discovering Inner Strengths

I feel like I conquered the vast, deep ocean today after I finally completed a difficult stage on Feeding Frenzy video game (on my husband's X-Box). After more than a hundred tries and feeling frustrated and defeated many times, I claimed my victory today. I am quite proud of that. I even hurried to the bathroom (where my husband was) just to tell him that I have successfully achieved the stage. He was the witness when I growled from frustration everytime I got eaten by bigger fish—keeping me from finishing the stage. Sometimes, he'd give me a big hug to make me feel better. He also warned me that there's more difficult stages after I surpassed it.

This may sound silly and people might think why I am making such a big deal of a video game. Well, it may sound senseless to some, but for me, it showed tidbits of my inner character—determined, patient, optimistic. Even if I had to do it again a hundred times, and fail a hundred times, I still do it. I endure (patience). Why? Because I was sure to myself that I will pass the stage (optimism). Despite the many frustration and defeat I felt, I didn't allow the bad forces to stop what I have started (determination). 

There's a lot of instances we underestimate ourselves—of remarkable things that we can do. We only get to know the "real us, the strength IN us," when we do the right approach and attitude of the littlest challenges we meet each day in our lives. I have discovered some of mine—playing Feeding Frenzy!

I realized that when my mind is set to a goal, I want to finish it. Completing the goal is a great achievement, no matter how small or how big it is. And by the way, speaking of Feeding Frenzy, I am already in the "Shark Reef" stage. I'm pretty sure I'll be eaten by sharks a LOT of times. Ouch! :)

Just Turned 36

Just celebrated my second birthday with my husband, and my first with our daughter. Hubby did things that make my day special. He surprised me with birthday cards, one from him, and one from Evie. He always write me long letters even in cards—something I so appreciate from him. I burst into laughter when I found out that he forged our daughter's "signature" on her card (which actually are just scribbles since she can't write yet). I think it was so funny. Also, he surprised me by purchasing the full version of the Feeding Frenzy video game in X-Box. Maybe because one time I was complaining because I wanted to play more but I couldn't because it's only a trial version. So sweet of him to give that gift. :)

Mom gave me a beautiful gold necklace. Now, I am wearing it everyday because the necklace my husband gave me (his first gift to me) was broken. Just the right timing for replacement.

We had our stomach filled in a Thai restaurant. I love what I got, but he didn't care for his'. Like what I wished for my birthday, he took me to the salon for a haircut after our lunch. I decided to get a short haircut for a change. The last time I got my hair cut short was when I was in college. More than a decade ago. Massage was our next trip, but the massage place is only open during the weekends of which I had with a friend. We ended the day with karaoke. I love doing karaoke once in a while. Reminds me of my home country—everyone likes to sing!

Sunday, I celebrated it with family members at my in-laws' place. Mom cooked pot roast and made strawberry cheesecake. So nice of her to do it for my birthday. Marcus (Evie's cousin) and my daughter were playing and chasing each other. Now that Evie can walk, I think chasing would be the game that she and her cousin will play everytime they're around with each other. Just hope that they will not break anything in their grandparents' place or else their Nanny would not be happy. :)

Just turned 36, but feels like 20. :D I couldn't thank God enough for all these years that He gifted me. He's so generous for breathing in me the breath of life everyday. I so look forward to celebrate more birthdays with my family. Nothing else compares to their presence, smiles, and love.

Swimming Pool: Our Summer Escapade

It was nice of Aunt Pam and Uncle Tim to invite us in their place last Saturday to try their newly renovated swimming pool. My husband, daughter, and in-laws packed our swimming gears, responding excitedly to the invitation. Who doesn't want to plunge in the pool during summertime in Arizona? Well, my family does. It's a great summer escapade for people like me who lives in a state with scorching heat at dry, hot season.

Their swimming pool is big—with a depth of up to 10 feet high. The water's temperature was perfect that day! For someone like me who barely knows how to swim, I stay in the shallow part, except with the help of a floatie. I'm so glad that they've got this giant octopus floatie which gave me the guts to paddle my legs and arms to the deepest part. 
Evie and her grandparents had a great time together in the pool. This is the first time that we had gone out with them for an outdoor activity. I love them. They are very nice, caring, supportive and loving people.
Her Nanny taught her how to swim. It felt wonderful watching them having a great time. Mom laughed everytime Evie did a silly thing—splashing the water or putting her feet on her face. Everytime she did the latter, her Nanny said that they are not doing synchronize swimming. :)
We had steak and salad for dinner. I was so full that I had to go back to the pool right after we eat to get the food in my stomach digested quickly :D. We had ice cream for dessert and Evie had her ice cream biscuit for the first time. Aunt Pam was thoughtful and nice enough to buy her ice cream that doesn't have dairy ingredient. She ate it as fast as a lightning!
Mom, Aunt Pam, and Evie

 Dad, Uncle Tim, Evie, Ryan

Because of how much fun and enjoyment we had, we forgot the time. It was already 9 at night when we started to pack our things to head home. We were there for 5 hours straight! After we reached home, we were all knocked out. It was tiring, but a great, fun, summer escapade.

Today, I Did a Miracle

No, I didn't make the blind see nor make the deaf hear. I am not Jesus. I got up 3 hours earlier than I normally do. That's the miracle I did today. Personally, I considered it a miracle. It's something that has not happened in years now. Probably, was just lazy to get up early, enjoying myself of getting immersed in my other world of dreams. But today, I made a personal choice to not go back to bed right after I fed my daughter.

At 5 in the morning, the crack of light had already sprung. Cloudy skies revealed that monsoon season is near. The luminous star was just starting to flaunt the beauty of her burning rays. It's a magnificent sight. Something priceless—declaring traces of the Creator's touch.

A cup of coffee was a good antidote to dozy eyes—it's my morning best friend (thanks to the person who discovered caffeine)
. Mornings without coffee is like bedtime without sleep. That's the significance of this beverage in my life for a long time now. Don't get me wrong, I am not a coffee addict.

Wondering why I was up so early, my husband got up and inquired. Couldn't blame him—I was not on my typical routine. He's more of concerned if something was bothering me. Of course, there's none. Today, I just want a change. He didn't go back to bed, couldn't go back to sleep. That's the consequence when he jumps off of bed. My bad?

Around 6, I decided to water our dying plants in the backyard. I was greeted by the warm breeze. A bit surprising. I know it's summer in the desert. But I didn't expect the tepid temperature at such an early hour of the day. Or perhaps, until now, I have not yet learned how my desert abode behaves.
Stubborn weeds are all over. Had to use a trowel to get rid of them. Some are withered. Unbelievably, they come back to life after summer season ends.

 My humble and once-verdant-garden which flowers of vibrant colors that bloomed last spring...
has turned into a dull, and almost barren, lifeless paradise. Gloomy, isn't it? Nonetheless, I do not get discourage of how it looks now because I know that in few months, after the dry season passes by, my little haven will be gracefully dressed with greens, yellows, reds, pinks, whites, oranges, and purples again.

So early in the morning, I was already feeling productive. It's a wonderful emotion I wished it happens everyday. I do not know if today marks the start of a constant morning routine. I do not want to promise—I may fail.
But one thing for sure, I like the emotional effect of getting up so early. Execution instead of making a pact with myself is perhaps the best thing I can do. We'll see how things work tomorrow and the following days.

"She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls." - Proverbs 31:15

VBS Volunteering: A Rewarding, Fun Experience

Volunteering for our church's Vacation Bible School (VBS) was a great experience that my husband and I have shared together. For 5 days, we were able to make kids enjoy and have fun with various games. Seeing their happy faces was quite rewarding.

I am the most proud for my husband. His efforts in leading some of the games were a big contribution to the success of the Recreation team. Explaining the mechanics of the game for every group of kids that came was no joke. Much more, showing them how to do it. My husband did it all. He's awesome!

I am quite grateful that we volunteered for this event. It helped a lot in our social interaction, and most of all our companionship as a couple. Next year would be another great VBS adventure!

Picking up kids assigned in the gym.

1st & 2nd Day: Relay Game
Explaining to kids how the relay game is played.
The bees and honey: My husband surrounded by kids to claim their stickers :) 
At the second day of VBS, we decided to drop by at a 99¢ store to get stickers that we can give to the children. It helped their motivation to play and win.
3rd & 4th Day: Hot Lava
On the 3rd and 4th day of VBS, we decided to handle the game outside. We picked the "Hot Lava" game. My husband and I liked this game better than what we did in the gym. Even if baked under the heat of the sun, kids were very participative specially when it's their turn to be lava monsters. It's amusing to hear them R-O-A-R!

5th Day: Water Day!
My favorite day of all! A cool splash of water is so relieving under 90-100° of heat. Besides, we can get anyone wet inside the play area using a bucket, water toy guns, or noodle sticks. Chasing and pouring water onto kids was FUN!
Need a bath? Gotcha!
The slide made me feel of being a child again. Ryan and I were able to go sliding several times. My favorite during the wet day.
 Wet, chaotic, but FUN!
Everyone's having a good time no matter what age they're in. Feels great to be a kid again even just for an hour or two.