Laughing at My Irritation

I was surprised when a friend sent me an offline message thanking me of the Christmas/New Years card we sent them. I wondered if they just received it, or if it was stuck in their mail box and just discovered it. Today, I got a message from a friend telling me that she received the card. Now, I was confused and had this question in my mind: was it frozen in the post office? That is very unlikely I supposed. As far as I know, my husband mailed the cards before New Year. Well, that was what I expected. But, I was totally wrong after I asked him about it and answered me that he mailed the cards just recently! Goodness gracious! So I presumed those cards were sitting in his work desk for a month?

I didn't know whether I'd be irritated or mad. I should be mad. The card recipients would be thinking how late it came. But when I looked in his eyes, I just smiled. I was actually laughing inside. Oh my husband! How can he? Well, I should not be surprise. He puts things off too long. Of all people, I should know. It's one of his weaknesses, maybe the number one weakness. However, when I thought of his strengths, his shortcomings can't match the character and attitude that made him the good man that he is.

I know, I still should not tolerate an attitude that can drag him down. I'm quite glad that I didn't make the issue an "issue." Instead, I just laugh it out!
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