Surprise for Mr. Tron

I surprised my husband with a 3D Tron t-shirt today. He's going out to watch the movie with best friend Jeff, so I deemed it's the perfect time to wear it. It was supposed to be given on the morning of Christmas, but, I think having him wear the new shirt will make him a part of the crowd :).

He likes Tron. It reminds him of his childhood. Although he said that the effects used in the 1982 movie was not good, he's the most excited to see the newly-released film. He laughed at how much modern technology changed the film effects and quality of the most recent one compared to the movie produced almost 3 decades ago. Watching the trailer of the movie made his eyes glow. And finally today, he's able to do a "movie date" with his "little brother." As much as I wanted to watch the movie, I did not want to ruin their time together.

Well, my husband was so pleased with his new Tron shirt. I called him Mr. Tron when I handed it to him. He thought I was silly for buying him the shirt. He didn't expect it. I think I was successful of the "surprise" part. I made him grin. I'm so glad.
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